Here's what you'll get: 

  • Techniques to help you rid headaches and clogged ears during your travel 

  •  Find relief for your stiff lower back and sore neck

  • Feel great when you go exploring, hiking, or shopping

  • Keep up with your friends and family without slowing down

  • Stay active with the hotel room workouts requiring very little space and only 15 minutes so you can start your day feeling energized and happy 

  •  Learn movement tricks to help with jet jag in your bedtime movement flow 

  •  Access Travel Body easily from your phone or laptop anytime

  • You also have Access and support are for life.

> Start Now <

What's Included:

Videos on the topics below:

  • Pre Travel Full Body Mobility Flow
  • On The Road/In The Air Movement Flow
  • Reduce Clogged Ears Routine
  • Travel Anxiety  Techniques
  • Post Travel Full Body Mobility Flow
  • 3 Low Impact Hotel HIIT Workouts 
  • Bed Time Movement Flow


✔️ Easy access via APP or Laptop 

✔️ Access to Ash to answer your questions!

✔️ Lifetime access

What's Up! Ash here. 

Your Travel Body Trainer :) 

After helping hundreds of moms & people over the past 13 years with their traveling bodies, it was time to bring this information to you. 

As a Holistic Trainer, Functional Movement Specialist, Yoga Instructor, Neurosensory Specialist and former Chiropractic/Physical Therapist Assistant, who's Tune Up Fitness Certified® with a background in FRC®, FRA®, & GMB...

I’ve worked with and helped 1000's of people from all walks of life with all kinds of pains and conditions.

And now, it's your turn. Let's get YOUR traveling body feeling great so you can appreciate the travel experience without the aches and pains or stress of planning a workout.


See what Drew Binksy, World Traveler has to say

(IG: @drewbinsky) 

Erase Pain & Stay Active While You Travel

Get every minute of your travel time and vacation back when you have your own movement tool kit right on your phone