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Every month

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BearFit Fusion LEVEL UP: Duel Membership


Mama Bear Collective Membership 

[Home of BearFit Fusion your permanent fat loss system + incredible community]

BearFit Fusion: The BEST (at home) weight loss system and community designed for busy AF moms... ...all organized for you easily in the Mama Bear Collective app

☑️ Join your tribe, community, and sisterhood with the last weight loss system you'll ever need that has helped 100's of mama's, just like you, lose weight permanently and holistically through habit change. 

It's time to look your best, feel your best, and live your best life without sacrificing time away from your family to do it! 

⭐️ No diet. 

⭐️ No gym. 

⭐️ No equipment. 

⭐️ No restriction. 

⭐️ Less than 10 minutes per day. 


🐻 Access to The Habitat; Your New Tribe, Community, and Sisterhood  [Value: Priceless] 

⚡️ Your new tribe of positive, healthy mamas on the same journey as you where you finally feel seen, heard, and understood. 

⚡️ Daily inspiration from Ash to keep you pumped up and showing up for yourself with amazing momentum every damn day 

⚡️ Monthly challenges and prizes to celebrate all your work and change 

⚡️Expert guest speakers to offer you new insights, education, action items, and mom life hacks to create a healthy life in all areas! 

⚡️Regular workshops to expand your knowledge in all areas of health mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

⚡️Monthly live calls with Ash to support your weight loss journey and laugh.... a lot! 

🐻 Access to Mama Bear Fat Loss System [Value: $2,000] 

The last weight loss system you'll ever need. 4 phases, 4 habits, permanent transformation. 

1️⃣ We start by rebuilding your foundations around your mind, food, movement, and sleep to get to the root of why you're in the position you're in; so you never come back here again! Your fat loss journey begins!  

2️⃣ Then, we stimulate. We take your 4 new foundations and build on those to stimulate lean muscle growth, incredible energy, and fat loss as you learn how to think your way to inevitable success, rev up your metabolism through an active lifestyle, eat for your hormones [without restriction], and reset your body's clock for incredible sleep. 

3️⃣ Then, we transform. This is where your family/friends are asking what the hell you're doing, because the changes mentally, physically and emotionally you've made so far are hard to ignore. You design your own mindset, food, movement, and sleep codes as your habits solidify and your new identity is in full effect. 

4️⃣ Last, we seal it all in with Mastery. 

🎁 BONUS #1: Access to BearFit Lab [Value $497] 

Over 90 movement sessions including Ash's Daily Mama Moves Method to build whole body strength, flexibility, and control ONLY using your body; tacking on ZERO time to your day! Time ranges for 0-8 minutes as you progress- no equipment, ever. Workout anytime, anywhere, wearing anything 

🎁 BONUS #2: Access to BrainFit Lab [Value $850] 

An ever growing library of mindset audios, activations, meditations, belief system upgrades, and so much more to upgrade your identity and solidify permanent change. 

Trusting yourself is the secret weapon to permanent transformation. 

It's all laid out for you step by step in the Mama Bear Collective app, taking away all decision fatigue. 

This is BearFit Fusion.

Permanent weight loss, and overall health mentally, physically, and emotionally designed for moms. A science backed tried and tested timeless system that can be manipulated, customized and designed to meet your preferences, goals & time availability for life long results. 


Mama Bear Fit Squad Membership

[Your At Home Virtual Fitness Membership Designed and Created for Moms]

Your Netflix of body weight movement done anytime, anywhere, wearing anything.

Ash combines 4 methods of fitness in every workout that shock your body in a healthy way allowing you to burn more fat and boost your metabolism for hours, even days after

⭐️ Friendly to all fitness levels  with modifications and variations to fit your needs 

⭐️ No gym.  

⭐️ No equipment.  

⭐️ Ranging from 2-15 minute workouts [movement sessions]

⭐️ Build and create effortless consistency 

⭐️ Focus on form, quality of movement, and overall function 

⭐️ Stay on track with a monthly progress tracker, never having to guess "what to do" 

⭐️ Avoid hitting a plateau with our whole body new and novel movement snacks 

⭐️ Building an active lifestyle, moving more in less time. 

⭐️ Tone, sculpt, strengthen, mobilize, and heal your body using your body. 

⭐️ Build whole body strength, flexibility, and control during your daily mom chores

Redefining fitness for moms. 



In just 2-15 minutes per day, you’ll begin to see and feel results in your body in as little as 7 days. Ash's workouts require no equipment, and little space, so you don’t have to sacrifice time away from your family. 

It’s accessible to all fitness levels, done anytime/anywhere dressed in anything with modifications allowing you to “feel the burn” and tone up without feeling so sore you can’t move the next day. 

🏅Access to a Private Community with daily support, accountability, connection with other moms 

🏅Exclusive new 30 day movement plans with DFY printable calendars and trackers 

🏅On Demand Access via our App to your ever growing brain and body workouts, recovery flows, daily mom moves, functional yoga, low impact HIIT, stress relief techniques + so much more!

🏅Over 150+ Workouts to help you rebuild your postpartum body, reclaim definition, strength, and mobility, while reshaping your mind to create on demand energy, effortless consistency and lasting results!

🏅Monthly Calendars & Progress Tracker to stay accountable, avoid hitting a plateau, while seeing and feeling noticeable progress

🏅 “Choose Your Path” System with a step by step customizable plan to take out all guesswork and cut through the overwhelm.                 

⚡️Core + Pelvic Floor Restore Phase 1 and 2       

⚡️30 Day Consistency Jumpstart 

⚡️Tone. Sculpt. Strengthen. 

⚡️Active Lifestyle Movements   

⚡️ Lazy couch moves + Mom/Kid movements 

⚡️️ Relax. Rejuvenate. Recover 

⚡️Animal Strength and Mobility 

⚡️Functional Yoga, Breathing Techniques

⚡️C-section Rehab + Period Flows 

⚡️Daily Mama Moves         

⚡️Brain Fitness: Stress Relief and Mindset 

⚡️+ New 30 day plans DFY added every 4-6 weeks 

🏅Resource Section for extra "move and learn" videos (46 and counting!) to help you really understand the different cueing and workouts within your own body. You get to learn and move in different ways to really seal in the changes your making in a way that works for YOUR individual body. 

🏅 Monthly Live Q + A with your Holistic Trainer Ash! Every month she'll bring you expert advice, answer your questions, drop some knowledge bombs on fitness, health, mindset, energy,  and chronic pain while connecting with you, laughing lots and having a blast!


  •  In as little as 5 minutes per day, you'll learn how to release tension, tightness, and chronic pain in your body. 
  •  You'll start to move better, feel better, and get through daily chores & house work with more ease in as little as 2 weeks. 
  •  Follow along breathing techniques and functional yoga practices to relieve tension and create a strong and mobile core. 
  • Follow along active mobility for strong and healthy joints with assessments to track your progress. 
  •  Engage in deep core work to help relieve low back tension and create stability in your whole body. 
  • C-section rehab and recovery 
  • Audio relaxation technique and hacks.
  • Learn how to give your body exactly what it needs; healing soreness, pain, tightness and tension on demand.


  •  Would setting aside 5 minutes per day be worth it if you knew you'd stop peeing your pants when you coughed, sneezed, ran, or jumped? 
  •  The core and pelvic floor restore program helps you rebuild your postpartum body by mastering 6 foundational moves in literally 2-5 minutes per day. 
  • Some of our moms notice changes in as little as 5 days!! 
  •  DFY progress tracker with daily milestones to be met and track your progress 
  •  Build length, strength, mobility, and balance in your body from your feet to head; with our 2-5 minute whole body strength and mobility work- because your pelvic floor/core doesn't live in isolation ;) 
  •  Modifications, variations and in depth cueing to make sure you're doing the movements correctly Discover how to truly create lasting definition in your abs that doesn't go away. 
  • Extra "Move and learn" resource library to help heal Diastasis Recti or ab separation and leaks! 

🐻 ANIMAL STRENGTH and MOBILITY  [Value $497]  

  • This 30 Day functional strength and mobility program focuses on 4 main "animal" moves 
  • Build whole body strength in a new and novel way (+ include your kids!)  allowing you to push, pull, and lift whatever you want to push, pull and lift out in mom life 
  • Gain the flexibility your kids have, allowing you to get in and out of positions you've been dying to get in and out of- allowing you to keep up with your kids, play in ways they see fit
  • Create body control, allowing for healthy joint strength and mobility so you can look and feel like an "athlete" as you move through positions with grace, ease, balance, coordination, and stability. 

We could break down each and every 30 day plan for you, but you should probably just check it out for yourself :) 


 *Inside the Mama Bear Collective app, you can: 

  • Access BOTH memberships with everything listed above in one easy to use app 
  • Receive push notifications with the latest news and updates 
  • Access to all of your videos without having to remember your password #momproofed 
  • Save your favorite videos and lessons so you can quickly find them later in your own "favorites"  playlist 

Plus you get to workout anytime, anywhere, wearing anything- no bra required! 

All you need is your phone and a smile and we'll handle the rest. 

Your BearFit Fusion LEVEL UP Duel Membership including Mama Bear Collective, Your Community, and Mama Bear Fit Squad All  is yours for just $27/month!

Can't WAIT to see you on the inside.