Discover How Losing Weight and Improving Energy Has Never Been Easier During The Holidays


Eat the food. Enjoy the company, and move more without sacrificing time away from your family to do it.


Offer Opens Again November 2024

In just 8 minutes per day ...


Think back to last holiday season.

The delicious foods, seasonal desserts, festive parties, limitless buffets, and incredible company.

Maybe this time was spent with enjoyable  family walks, pure relaxation, white elephant exchanges, with a lot of laughter and energy! 


Maybe it was filled with stress eating, sluggish energy, overwhelm, and weight gain.

As a Mom, we're often expected to take on double the load than we normally do around the holidays. 

With this additional stress, responsibility, and lack of time; 3 unwanted habits amplify and our health gets impacted:

😵‍💫 The way we cope with stress 

🥭 The way we eat 

💃🏻 The lack of movement 

Holiday Habits has your back and tackles all three in only 8 minutes per day.


In 30 Days You'll Discover How To:

  • Ditch overwhelm, anxiety and overcome stress eating
  • Workout in less time; and still build whole body strength and mobility
  • Create on demand energy
  • Prevent weight gain and actually lose fat

As a mom you have enough on your plate [see what I did there] 

The last thing you need is to stress eat, and then stress about what you ate, and then stress about your body as a result.

I got you covered.

No fear, no weight gain, no cutting out dessert and no swapping food either. 




A 30 day weight loss program designed for moms by a mom for the holidays

You deserve to feel like Tigger this holiday season; not Eeyore.

Give yourself the gift of health!

You don't need to sacrifice time, the food you love, or restriction of any kind. 

What you do need is a very particular set of skills [name that movie!]

 Skills that will allow you to eat without feeling sluggish, tired, full AF and resentful.

Skills that will allow you to move your body with more intension and purpose in a much shorter time frame.

Skills that will last and not "expire" because this isn't another diet or workout program.



Here's What You Get:

30 day follow along step by step plan with daily support.

Week 1: Relax

[Valued at $127]

In week 1, you’ll master your food cravings
We must learn how to relax your mind and body, so your brain feels safe enough to create change! That's what this week is all about. 
  • First we'll chillax your mind by taking out your head trash
  • Then, you'll finally understand why you have food cravings and where they come from
  • You'll then master 1 simple strategy to use anytime a craving strikes 
  • Followed by a way to actually rid your cravings naturally
  • You'll then begin to open up new ranges of motion in your body while melting away body tension
  • This week will close out with improved hip mobility while you cook or clean, tacking on zero time 

*No equipment of any kind required.*

*Time investment: 8 minutes or less per day* 

Week 2: Activate

[Valued at $127]

 Week 2, is all about joint strength and mobility while we rev up your metabolism
Now that we're calm, it's time to kick things up a notch. Active mobility may sound easy and not really a "weight loss" solution, but you haven't done it with Ash yet. 
  • You're noticing and feeling small shifts happening in your body 
  • We'll keep that momentum to improve your joint mobility and strength; building a resilient  body
  • Then you'll learn how to start stabilizing your blood sugar to avoid over eating and night time snacking
  • Not only that, you'll discover 3 science backed stress relief techniques to shift you out of overwhelm within seconds!
  • Lastly, you'll manage your energy even better than you do now while you scroll and move keeping your metabolism online all the time.

*No equipment of any kind required.*

*Time investment: 8 minutes or less per day* 


Week 3: Strengthen

[Valued at $127]

Week 3, get ready to feel mentally and physically stronger as you chase your kids through stores with ease
  • It's time to start melting fat and sculpting your body in a way that doesn't leave you super sore
  • Then, you'll continue to master your own stress response with the help of a powerful visual/audio recording. 
  • You'll also learn a new eating skill to control your food behavior regardless of your environment without any guilt, fomo or fear.
  • We'll end this week with some additional daily movement strategies that aren't exercise

    *No equipment of any kind required.*

    *Time investment: 8 minutes or less per day* 


Week 4 : Routine

[Valued at $127]

 Week 4 is about making your new habits stick; not just for the holidays, but long term  


In order to make this a lifestyle, we have to make it a lifestyle this week I'll share strategies, tips, tricks, and systems to put everything you learned into your day to day life so you never "fall off track" again.  



C'mon now, you didn't think Holiday Habits came without gifts did ya?

My gifts to you:

  • A library of resources to explore around mastering your own health, food, weight, and stress around the holidays [this will be ever growing for life!]

+ I'll be chatting with you in the private community making sure you're getting the most out of everything and helping you nail these habits in a way that works for you. 

Meet Your Trainer

Holistic Trainer/ Functional Movement Specialist, Tune Up Fitness® Certified, with a background in FRC®, FRA®, RMM®, GMB®, YTU® RYT


👋🏻 Hey I'm Ash

I'm a boy Mama and Holistic Trainer who is obsessed with helping moms feel their best, look their best, so they can live their best lives.


As an expert in mom health, I believe that movement and laughter are truly the best medicine. When I had my first baby, everything changed, including my "gym" routine and body. I felt anxious, stressed and lost mentally & physically. I refused to stay this way, so I took my background and paired it with science to create the Daily Mama Moves Fitness Method, that changed my life while also transforming my mind and body. Redefining fitness is how I found myself again as a busy mom, but a vision and movement [ha!] to empower every mom to take ownership of her health, fitness, & confidence in her mind and body, forever.

Now is the time to take this opportunity to improve your health, lose fat, and actually have energy, confidence and control around your food this holiday season (from a more chillax-ed and not frantic place)

Will we see you on the inside? ⬇️